Now that the gateway software has been updated to the latest release, new features are available on GB7HU as per Andy's earlier post. However, to use these features you must register by browsing to and then look for the CCS System menu on the left side. Click on 'register'. You will be asked to agree to the terms of use and you must supply an email address, password, callsign and your local D-Star repeaters callsign.
Upon a successful registration you will be issued a unique four digit code which can be used by other CCS users to locate your radio on the DCS network to initiate a call. I was issued with 9663 so if you punch that in on the DTMF buttons on your radio the system will link you to me wherever I am.
Now that's clever! Enjoy.
73 Clive
Ccs registration
Discussion in 'News' started by Clive G3GJA, 27 February 2013.
Discussion in 'News' started by Clive G3GJA, 27 February 2013.