Dear Repeater Group Members
The RSGB and RAEN have agreed between themselves that they don’t want two amateur radio emergency organizations in East Yorkshire and the affiliation that our sub group has with the RSGB is not going to be renewed. A meeting has been called for the 13th of November to form a new single emergency comms group for the area under the banner of North Humberside Raynet.
Your Committee has decided that the repeater group should have a meeting before that date to listen to the Repeater Group’s members views about any future involvement with emergency comms so that we can formulate plans for the services we provide.
This is not a formal meeting at which a vote will be taken but we do want to hear from members what they think that the future direction of the group should be. This covers all areas of the services offered by the group including ATV, Analogue and D-Star repeaters and not just emergency comms. We would also like to hear of anything that members feel the Group should be involved in that we don’t currently do.
Please do come on the Thursday the 7th November at 7.30pm to the Hull Club’s meeting room in Goathland Close off Walton Street and let us know what you want from your repeater group.
73 Clive, G3GJA
Meeting 7th november
Discussion in 'News' started by Clive G3GJA, 30 October 2013.
Discussion in 'News' started by Clive G3GJA, 30 October 2013.