Gb3hs now using yaesu system fusion repeater

Discussion in 'News' started by Clive G3GJA, 5 February 2015.

By Clive G3GJA on 5 February 2015 at 22:25
  1. Clive G3GJA

    Clive G3GJA Active Member
    Staff Member Website Admin Chairman

    22 January 2011
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    The Yaesu System Fusion DR-1XE repeater kindly sponsored by LAMCO of Barnsley was installed on Sunday 1st February by Clive G3GJA and Lyndon M0LDR. Until the change of NoV is received allowing digital output the repeater will only transmit analogue FM.

    The repeater's firmware does not provide a Tx hang with a 'K' after access so you must leave a gap between overs to allow other stations to call in. Apparently the ETCC has asked Yaesu for a firmware change to suit UK conditions.


    The repeater now has CTCSS on transmit, so tone squelch can be enabled on your receivers. The frequency is the same as that needed to access, 88.5Hz.

    The higher power of the Yaesu equipment allows us to utilize the full 12.5dBw ERP allowed by the NoV for the first time. Losses in the duplexer, combiner, isolator and feeder losses have previously restricted the power to less than half of that allowed. The receiver also appears to be more sensitive, needing only 0.5mW into my colinear at home to open the repeater.

    The picture below shows the combiner and isolators at the top, 4 duplexer cavities below and further down the Yaesu box. Below that is the switched mode power supply and the UPS.


    The Yaesu repeater is powered from 13.8v so a low noise switched mode power supply was installed. A 750VA battery powered uninterruptable mains supply was also installed to provide some resilience for the rather flaky rural mains supply. The battery should run the repeater in Rx mode for 55mins and 18mins continuous Tx.

    73 Clive
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Discussion in 'News' started by Clive G3GJA, 5 February 2015.

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