A couple of M7 callsigns were overheard bemoaning that GB3HS was not on during all of the day. It’s unfortunate that the amateurs in question do not realise that the EYRG repeaters have had their hours of operating curtailed to reduce the electricity bill.
This December’s bill has just landed for £43.95. This includes the standing charges of £20.13 and VAT of £2.10 that the Group cannot recover, leaving £21.72 for power used.

At that rate the whole year would cost £527 in electricity alone. There’s the site rent to add, making just the running costs almost £800 every year; add to that repairs, maintenance and improvements and it ends up being a lot more.
So, if you don’t like the reduced hours, how about subscribing to the Group and supporting the repeaters so that they can be switched on for more of the day? Details are on the Subscriptions page!